
  • We   plan  to   develop   a  network   architecture  that   is  capable   of   automatically   collecting environment data and transferring them  to a  database.  Our  monitoring  device,  paired  with  a mobile network system, measures local air quality and shares that data by means of the  mobile network with others to know the information.
  • The use of air quality sensor networks is an important solution to assure the  monitoring  of  the locations of high concentrations of large droplets and potential zones for virus transmission. Our long-term goal is to develop a monitoring system  for  specific  air  quality  conditions  using our  HavaTell  droplet  sensor.  The  acquired  data  is  transmitted  to  a  mobile  computing  unit expressed by a smart
  • Mobile phones have a large spectrum of applications, aiding  in  risk  prevention  and  improving the  health   and   wellbeing   of  their  owners.   However,   they  have  not  been  used  for  direct assessment of personal exposure to airborne droplets for virus transmission.